break-on modifier

The break-on modifier creates a visual break in output data when the value in the current output field is different from the previous value. The break-on modifier groups items in a listing according to the value of the break-on attribute name. The attribute name indicates the attribute on which a break occurs.

During the list or sort operation, a control-break occurs whenever there is a change in the value of the specified attribute. Value comparison is made on a left-to-right, character-by-character basis, with a maximum of the first 24 characters being used in the comparison only.

When a control-break occurs, it prints a line with three asterisks displayed in the break-on attribute column (that is, the attribute whose value has changed, thus causing the break), surrounded by two blank lines. If the optional text string is specified, the processed text string is substituted for the asterisks.

Up to 15 control-breaks may be specified, the hierarchy of the breaks being specified by the sequence of the break-on modifiers in the sentence, the first being the highest level.

For multiple control-breaks, output proceeds from the lowest level break to the highest level. The data associated with the lowest level control-break is printed on the current page (even if the end of the page has been reached). If multiple breaks occur, normal pagination proceeds on the second and subsequent data lines, unless an option prevents this.

Headings and output control options may be specified for control-breaks. A user-generated heading can be specified to be printed in place of the default control break heading (***) by following the break-on attribute name with the desired heading, enclosed in double quotation marks. Within the heading, output control options may be specified, enclosed in single quotation marks. The text, if specified, replaces the default asterisk field (***) in the attribute name column when the control-break printout line occurs.

If the det-supp modifier is specified in the sentence, then the attribute value displays on the break line, unless a text string was specified.

Options are used to modify some of the actions taken at control-break time, and are specified as one or more characters. If options are used without accompanying text, they must be enclosed in single quotation marks within double quotation marks (for example, "’v’").

If the total modifier is specified in the sentence, subtotals are also output at each control break, as well as columnar totals. The data associated with the break-on attribute may be suppressed in the detail lines by using a maximum length of zero and the \ character in the attribute-defining item (line 10 in the attribute-defining item). If suppression of the data associated with the control break is desired at total time, it must be done In generating the value for comparison, correlatives in the attribute-defining item are processed but conversions are not.




options b Outputs the value causing the break in either the heading or footing output field where the b option is found in the heading or footing option string. It is not necessary to specify this option within more than one break-on specification.
d Suppresses the break data line if only one detail line has been output since the last control break.
l Suppresses the blank line preceding the break data line. This option is ignored when the u option is used.
n Resets the page counter to one on each break.
p Issues a form feed (page eject) after the data associated with this break has been output.
r Inhibits page rollover. Outputs any occurrence of one or more control break lines at the end of the page, rather than at the top of the next page, thus forcing all the data associated with this break to be current on the same page.
u Underlines all total fields.
v Outputs the value causing the control break in the break-on label.
’’ (Two single quotation marks.) Inserts a single quotation mark in text.
Correlatives containing explicit attribute references (such as a2(tentity;x;;1) do not work as expected at the break line. This is because the entire item is not available at the time the break line is being processed.


list invoices by date break-on date

list sales by salesman break-on salesman "’bp’"