Installing T27 and UTS terminal emulation
BlueZone T27 and BlueZone UTS Display emulators are available as additional cost options. By default, they are not included as part of the standard BlueZone installation and do not appear in the Components Selection screen when installing BlueZone from the BlueZone CD-ROM.
In order to install either of these two products, you must copy their respective cab files to a BlueZone installation source directory.
1. Browse to the BlueZone Desktop folder you created on your hard drive.
2. Locate the \Unisys folder.
3. Move or copy the following files from the \Unisys folder to the BlueZone Desktop folder:
•  BZT27.CAB
4. Double-click SETUP.EXE to launch the InstallShield Wizard.
5. Follow the standard BlueZone installation.
6. When you arrive at the Component Selection screen, Unisys T27 and Unisys UTS appear as optional components that can be installed. By default, neither Unisys T27 nor Unisys UTS are selected for installation. You must select one or both items in order for them to be installed.
7. When you have finished making your selections, click Next.
You must have a special Software Activation File (SAF) called BZALLWIN.SAF in order to run BlueZone T27 or BlueZone UTS. If you do not have the BZALLWIN.SAF file, contact your BlueZone account executive.
8. Follow the InstallShield Wizard to complete the installation.
Refer to Installing BlueZone if you need help installing BlueZone.