Enabling the power keys feature
Starting with BlueZone version 4.0, the power keys feature has been replaced with a new feature called power pads. By default the power pads feature is active when BlueZone is installed.
However, the power keys feature has not been eliminated from BlueZone, it has only been turned off. If desired, you can choose to enable the old power keys feature.
In order to install enable the power keys feature, you have to create a BlueZone installation source directory.
Refer to Optional features, to learn how to create a BlueZone installation source directory on your hard drive.
1. Browse to the BlueZone Desktop folder you created on your hard drive.
2. Locate the SETUP.INI file.
3. Open the SETUP.INI file with a text editor.
4. In the [BZSetup] section, locate the EnablePowerKeys=Yes entry.
5. Change the Yes to No and save the file.
6. Double-click the SETUP.EXE file to launch the InstallShield Wizard.
7. Follow the InstallShield instructions to complete the installation.
Refer to Installing BlueZone if you need help installing BlueZone.
Once the installation is complete, the power keys feature is enabled for all BlueZone emulation clients.
You cannot enable the new power pads feature and the old power keys feature to be active at the same time. You can only have one or the other.