Power Pad Editor
Power pads are created and edited by using the Power Pad Editor. The Power Pad Editor is a standalone graphical desktop application which allows you to create and edit power pads.
The power pad canvas is where you create your power pads. The control icons are used to select and place the various power pad objects that can be placed on the power pad canvas. These objects consist of buttons, text, pictures, etc.
The following is an example the Power Pad Editor with a power pad project showing all four power pad objects: Buttons, GroupBox, Text, and a Picture:
Using the Power Pad Editor you can:
•  Specify the size, title, color and specific layout of the power pad.
•  Add power pad objects such as buttons, text, group boxes, and pictures.
•  Configure buttons to perform actions such as sending keystrokes; running an application, script or macro; and performing any commands that appear in the BlueZone menus, such as connecting to a host, transferring a file or printing.
•  Make single or multiple copies of power pad objects on a grid.
•  Align and size the power pad objects on the grid as needed.
•  Resize the power pad.
A maximum of 128 power pad objects can be created per power pad.
The Power Pad Editor is launched from within a BlueZone Display session. When the Power Pad Editor is launched, a blank power pad canvas is displayed. This blank power pad is your canvas for creating a BlueZone power pad.