The table name and column names in the SQL table you create may be different from those of the originating D3 file and attribute-defining items (ADI). This is due to SQL naming conventions.
The differences between SQL and D3 naming conventions are:
The characters, \ . ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + ‘ - / ": ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ , } | { ~ \ , found in file names or ADIs are converted to underscores (_) in the resulting SQL table.
For example, a dictionary item named is converted to cust_name in the resulting SQL table.
An ADI that is an SQL reserved word is converted to RSV_ and the original name. See D3 SQL reserved words for the list of reserved words.
For example, the D3 ADI, date, is named RSV_date in the resulting SQL table because date is a reserved word in SQL.
A file name or ADI that begins with a number is converted to N_ and the original name.
For example, the resulting SQL table for a D3 file, 1998, is named N_1998.
The originating D3 file and items are not modified in any way in this process. Use the z option to display the translations made.