Restoring the ABS/Kernel

Should files become corrupted as a result of any system anomalies, perform the ABS/Kernel restore procedure. Restoration can be performed from mvBase source files located on either CD-ROM or floppy diskette media.

Restoring from CD-ROM

  1. Locate the files mvserver.abs and mvserver.knl (these files are in expanded format). These are found in the \support\server directory on the mvBase CD-ROM.

  2. Copy the files identified in step 1 from the CD-ROM to the installation directory located on the mvBase Server (<install directory>\server).

  3. The attribute for each file must be changed from READ-ONLY to ARCHIVE. The attribute setting is located on each file’s Properties dialog box. To access this dialog box, select the file in File Manager or Windows Explorer, right click with the mouse button, and select Properties. The Properties dialog box can also be accessed via the File pull-down menu.

Restoring from Floppy Diskette


Floppy diskettes have insufficient space for file expansion. Expand the files directly to the destination directory on the mvBase Server.

  1. Locate the mvserver.ab_ file in the root directory of the mvBase diskettes. This file is not in expanded format.

  2. To expand this file, open a DOS prompt. The command to expand files to the mvBase Server subdirectory is:

  3. Format

    EXPAND A:\sourcefile C:\destination



    Drive to the file which is to be expanded.


    Path to the file which is to be expanded.


    Drive for file in its expanded format.


    Path of the file in its expanded format. (<mvBASE install directory>\server).

See Also

Restoring Files and Accounts

Types of Restoration

Restoring the Full Data Area

Restoring Part of the Data Area

Restoring Accounts from Other MultiValue Environments