Restoring Accounts from Other MultiValue Environments

These procedures allow you to restore accounts from another MultiValue environment either with or without resizing the account.


It is necessary to save the data from other MultiValue accounts in a manner that is compatible with mvBase. DC-pointers in other MultiValue accounts should be changed to D-pointers, for example, in order for the compatibility option of the SAVE command to work correctly. Furthermore, compatibility must be established via the correct methods of attaching backup devices.

Restoring Accounts without Resizing

If the files/accounts do not require resizing, use the ADD-ACCOUNTS Proc to restore accounts from a previous MultiValue installation.

  1. Select the appropriate media (floppy, tape), using T-SELECT.

  2. Type:


    The display reflects the media type selected and the block size, followed by a listing of the files being restored that are not already installed.

    Restoring Accounts with Resizing

If the SAVE command was used with the C option (or whatever the Compatibility option on that system is) to save accounts from a previous MultiValue installation, resize the files and SYSTEM files using the RESTORE SYSTEM command.

  1. Select the appropriate media using the T-SELECT command.

  2. Type:



    The RESTORE command is used by the ADD-ACCOUNTS Proc to restore accounts from FILE-SAVE media to the system. The R option enables file resizing in your accounts. This is necessary when moving accounts between systems using different frame sizes. (The larger the frames, the fewer of them are needed to hold the same data.)

    This message displays:

    Tape producer data frame size =

  4. Enter the frame size (in multiples of 500 bytes) of the operating system from which you are upgrading.

  5. When starting RESTORE, you may receive the message:

  6. Account ‘RESTORE-ERRORS’ exist.

    Delete and (C)ontinue or (Q)uit?

    This message displays if a restore operation (:FILELOAD or ACCOUNT-RESTORE) was previously run. It indicates that the status of that operation (either error messages or a success message) is stored in the RESTORE-ERRORS item.

  7. Type C to continue.

  8. To display the RESTORE-ERRORS item, type this command while in the SYSPROG account:


  10. Use the LPTR option to print the report.

See Also

Restoring Files and Accounts

Types of Restoration

Restoring the Full Data Area

Restoring Part of the Data Area

Restoring the ABS/Kernel