Converting Hexadecimal and ASCII Strings. The MX code converts a character string to its hexadecimal ASCII equivalent; the MY code converts a hexadecimal string to its alphanumeric equivalent.
The MX code converts each character to a two-digit (one byte) hexadecimal number. This code is useful for finding nonprintable characters in strings of data.
The table below shows some examples of the MX and MY conversions. In the first example, the string begins with a CTRL+A, which is converted to its ASCII equivalent (01).
Stored Data |
Code |
Result of Conversion |
MX |
01414243 |
CTRL+\ |
MX |
FC |
CTRL+] |
MX |
FD |
CTRL+^ |
MX |
FE |
MX |
4A4F484E |
john |
MX |
6A6F686E |
414243 |
MY |
4A4F484E |
MY |
FC |
MY |
CTRL+\ |
Examples of Formatting Data
These sections provide examples of:
Stored Format and Output Format
See Also