Tape Handling Commands
All processes that handle magnetic media are classified as tape handling commands. All references to media and tape mean the same thing. Control is returned to the calling program when the user quits from a parity error.
See Also
set-8mm Command
set-device Command
set-floppy Command
set-half Command
set-sct Command
Start Buffer Mark
t-att Command
t-bck Command
t-bsf Command
t-bsr Command
t-chk Command
t-det Command
t-dump Command
t-fsf Command
t-fsr Command
t-fwd Command
t-load Command
t-rdlbl Command
t-read Command
t-rew Command
t-select Command
t-space Command
t-stat Command
t-unload Command
t-verify Command
t-weof Command
t-wtlbl Command