account-save Command

The account-save BASIC program saves individual accounts to the currently attached peripheral storage device. File statistics are built with each save, including an account-save and a dummy save, contrary to VME file statistics. The s option is no longer necessary.


account-save {} {} {(options)}

file-save tape label = {tape.label}

account name =




Indicates the name of the account to save. If more than one account is specified, each must be separated by a space. If not specified, the system prompts for the account name. The accounts to be saved can be specified in a select list.


Optional 48-character string that is written into the tape label area at the beginning of each reel of the save.


Suppresses the added information (including all update stamps and binary item sizes).


Saves the B-tree indexes. After a full-restore, this prevents having to regenerate indexes.


Prevents the clearing of dirty bits.

NOTE—This option should only be used when performing a save in preparation for a full restore.


Saves external QS-pointers. QS-pointers are special Q-pointers, which point to an OSFI data source.

NOTE—Only the spooler and UNIX OSFI drivers support the save functionality at this point.


Displays file inconsistency errors when found, but skips the group and continues the save. Errors are logged in the dm,errors, file in attributes 14, 15, and 16 of the error item. Attribute 14 is the save date, 15 is the primary group FID, and 16 is the account > dictionary > data display information. At the end of the save, a message displays indicating the total number of file inconsistency errors encountered, if at least one was found. If used with the b option, index corruptions are also skipped.


Suppresses clearing the transaction log queue.


Suppresses the dirty bit counter display.


Reorganizes all file of files file numbers sequentially on the tape.


Each file may have a list of specific item-IDs within the file to save. This option saves only the list of item-IDs provided in the associated item for the given file, located in the dm,file of files, file, beginning at attribute 25. Any number of item-IDs may follow in attributes 26 and beyond. An asterisk in attribute 25 saves all items in the file. If there is no list, only the file-defining item is saved, as if the file had a dy dictionary code. In addition, the l option does not unmark (clear dirty bits) items that have changed. These items are saved on subsequent incremental file-save commands or account-save commands. This is similar to the v option for the full file-save.


Same as the l option, but it additionally unmarks or clears the dirty bits.


Directs console listing to the printer, via the spooler.


Changes the terminal display from hierarchical format to indented format.


Same as the l and m options, except the list is also saved with the file as a separate item in the dm,file of files, file.


An item is stored in dm,file of files, file for each file saved. The s option generates additional statistics, which can be reviewed with list-file-stats.


Unconditional resizing.

NOTE—Unless the u option is specified, the system does a complete account-save. However, account-save does not save a file with dx in attribute 1 of its file-defining item. Although account-save does save a file with dy in attribute 1 of its file-defining item, none of the items in the file are saved.


Saves files with a D-pointer type of dx.


Saves files with a D-pointer type of dy.

In order for the incremental account save to work, the system marks any item that is changed. This mark is normally cleared by a complete file-save; however, when using account-save, the marks indicating changed items are not cleared.

If a file has a dx or dy code and an item in it is updated, that item is not marked as changed when it is filed; therefore, even if the x or y is removed before the account-save is run, that item is not saved by an incremental account save.

The account-save processor locks groups as it saves them. While the group is locked, no process can access any item in that group. Locking groups prevents spurious file inconsistency error messages that would occur if another process changed an item while it was being saved. Up to four groups can be locked at one time. These groups are the ones containing:

If a SCT is being saved, an explicit end-of-data (EOD) sequence must be written since SCT cannot back up. Use either t-weof from TCL or the BASIC weof statement to write the second EOD needed to indicate the end of the file (EOF). Otherwise, account-restore or sel-restore fails to see the end of the tape.

The account-save command is a BASIC program, which issues the save command with the f, t, v and i options. Any options available to the save command may be added to the command line.



file-save tape label = thursday

account name = dm

 1 35 > dm

 1 36 > dm > newac

 1 37 > dm > newac > newac


The process displays the files being saved in the form:

Reel#, File#, > ,, > ,, > ,

In all multireel operations, if the save detects end of media before completing the save, it prompts with the message:

load volume #n and type ’c’

label 08:00:00 16 Feb 2003 data...#_

When the next reel is inserted or mounted, c continues the process, or q stops it and returns control to TCL. The system does not check to determine if a different volume was inserted or mounted.

See Also

account-restore Command

account-save Command

Active List

admin.files Utility

basic-prot Command

check-account Macro

check-dx Command

check-file Command

check-files Macro

create-file Command


Dirty Bits

Dummy Save

f-resize Command

File Control Block

File Inconsistency

File-Defining Items

File-of-Files File (VME)

file-save Command

Full Restore

Header Files

Incremental Restore

Incremental Save

list-file-stats Command

Network Save/Restore

Pointer Item



restore-accounts Command

save Command

sel-restore Command

set-floppy Command

set-sct Command

t-copy Command

t-read Command

t-verify Command

Tape Devices Overview

tlog-restore Command

y (Update Stamping) Processing Code