File Inconsistency Handler

The file inconsistency handler processes file inconsistencies encountered in the D3 file system.

The file inconsistency is first logged as an event in the errors file, residing in the dm account, after which the user is given the option of either repairing the damage manually, or letting the File Inconsistency handler attempt to resolve the problem by fixing the error and logging any additional information about the file inconsistency into dm,errors,gfe file.

The system can be configured so that the File Inconsistency handler always performs its repairs without requiring user intervention, by placing an m in the options field in the users file for each user that operates in this automatic fix mode. This mode effectively allows deferring any exception processing until someone more knowledgeable is able to look at the data, at the same time allowing the process that encountered the file inconsistency to resolve the structural inconsistency of the file and continue to operate. It is also convenient in support situations where an end user site needs to continue operating at all costs.

Up to 2 frames of raw data in the group, starting at the beginning of first item affected by the file inconsistency, is copied and stored in the dm,errors,gfe file where it can be examined using the dump utility.

For file inconsistencies that are fixed automatically by the system, the system attempts to reconstruct and recover as much of the group or item as possible using whatever information is deemed reliable and available to it and truncates any remaining structures from that point.


Depending on the nature of the file inconsistency, DATA MAY BE CORRUPTED! Users should verify their data for integrity and consistency after encountering a file inconsistency. The t-verify command can be used to create a differences report from the previous file-save, which can aid in reducing the number of transactions or files that may need reviewing.

See Also

account-save Command

errors File

File Inconsistency

File Inconsistency Handler

flush Command


users File