Modifiers control listing parameters such as double-spacing (dbl-spc), control breaks (roll-on or break-on), column totals (total), and suppression of item-IDs (id-supp), automatic headings (hdr-supp or col-hdr-supp), and default messages (ni-supp).
Other modifiers and options are listed below. For a detailed description of each connective, refer to the individual topics.
any break-on by by-dsnd by-exp by-exp-dsnd c/total col-hdr-supp conv converting-nulls det-supp dbl-spc dict |
each eval fill fmt footing grand-total hdr-supp heading id-supp ifno legend-supp lptr ni-supp |
nopage only roll-on sampling ss tape tcl-supp total using with within without |
Relational operators are modifiers used to establish criteria based on the relationship of data to fixed values or other data.
Operators are listed below. For a detailed description of each connective, refer to the individual topics.
after |
and |
before |
equal |
ge |
gt |
le |
lt |
ne |
no |
not |
or |
See Also