Access Query Language Overview

AQL uses TCL commands and displays the results either on terminals or printers. AQL operates on specified files and items based on various optional criteria, specifications, modifiers, limiters, and options.

FlashBASIC calls from dictionaries are used for complex data calculations and output formatting.

The use of B-tree indexes increases the speed and performance of AQL.

AQL sentences are entered at TCL and can be recalled, modified, or executed through utilization of the tcl-stack. AQL sentences may also be stored and invoked through macros, menus, Procs, and FlashBASIC (using the execute statement).

This general overview includes information on these topics:

AQL Sentence Form

Describes the structure of an AQL sentence.

AQL Command Categories

Categorizes the AQL commands by common functionality.

Default Attribute Items

Describes the default attribute items.

Default Output Specifications

Describes the default output specifications.

File Reference

Describes referencing files in AQL.

Item List

Describes the use of item lists in AQL.


Lists and describes the modifiers supported in AQL.


Lists and describes the options supported in AQL.

Output Specifications

Describes the use of output specifications in AQL.

Print Limiters

Describes the use of print limiters in AQL.

Retrieval of Items from Files

Describes how items are retrieved from files.

Selection Criteria

Describes the use of selection criteria in AQL.

Sort Criteria

Describes the use of sort criteria in AQL.

Temporary Attribute Items

Describes the use of temporary attribute items in AQL.

Throwaway Connectives

Describes the use of throwaway connectives in AQL.

See Also




any Modifier



count Command

execute Statement

FlashBASIC and BASIC Differences

list Command

list-item Command

Macro Attribute


paint Command


Processing Codes

ss Modifier

Tabbed Output

u1209 User Exit

update Command