list-pibs macro

The list-pibs macro produces a report of each active port in the dm,pibs, file, showing the port number, the current user of that port and the current terminal/printer characteristics as defined by the term-type command.


list-pibs {(options}




options n Affects output to the terminal only, preventing output from pausing at the end of each (terminal) page of output.
p Directs output to the system printer, via the spooler.

The report includes these headings:

pib# PIB or user’s port number. The asterisk indicates the current port.
user User-ID (found in the dm,users, file) that this user is currently logged on to.
location Value stored in the dm,users, item in the location attribute. This attribute typically contains the user’s name.
device Settings used in the most recently executed term-type command for the terminal device this port is attached to.


The port numbers that do not have a user-ID or name are not currently in use.


Page 1    dm,pibs,    09:44:44         21 Feb 2005
pib#      user....    location....     device................
0                                      79,25,0,7,1,8,80,59,IBM3151
1                                      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
2         lisa        Lisa Jones       79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
3                                      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
4                                      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
5                                      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
6                                      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
7                                      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
8         am          Andy Meyers      79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
9         ss          Sam Smith        79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
10        cm          Christine Mills  79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
11                                     79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
12                                     79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
13                                     79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
14                                     79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
15                                     79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
16        dp          Dick Parr        79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
17                                     79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50
18        ff          Fred Foote       79,24,0,7,1,8,80,59,WY-50