Commands that function differently in D3 Windows versus UNIX

The following commands are supported for both D3 Windows and D3 UNIX implementations. However, the command functionality differs depending on the platform.

Command Description
basic-prot In D3 Windows, this command is not required for FlashBASIC code. For non-Flashed code, functions the same as in D3 UNIX.
catalog D3 Windows supports the (g option for adding modules to the global (domain) catalog for FlashBASIC programs. Not supported for D3 UNIX.
clear-locks D3 Windows supports additional options for FSI item locks. FSI group locks are cleared and listed using the Monitor, not from TCL.
dev-make Different device types are supported for each implementation. D3 Windows performs additional checks and displays.
dev-remov D3 Windows performs additional checks and displays.
flush In D3 Windows, not supported for the FSI.
free In D3 Windows, not supported for the FSI. To verify free space in the FSI, use Windows Explorer.
istat In D3 Windows, not supported for the FSI. To view the data distribution for the FSI, use the D3 File Manager’s File Properties dialog box instead.
list-locks In D3 Windows, using the (g option lists only VME group locks. Otherwise, both VME and FSI locks are displayed.
restore D3 UNIX displays a tape verification warning on full restores. D3 Windows does not display a warning.
set-active-update In D3 Windows, supported in the VME only. For FSI data, use the ObjectReuseProt registry entry.
term D3 UNIX optimizes only when using platform-dependant FlashBASIC (C compiler).
verify-index In D3 Windows, a log file is created by default in the current account.
  • D3 UNIX displays core memory.
  • D3 Windows displays the total amount of RAM on the system.
where In D3 Windows, the offset in the virtual modes does not display.