%endlistilocks() function

The %endlistilocks() function is used to release the handle allocated by the %startlistilocks() function.


 code = %endlistilocks( handle )


Input handle The handle returned by the %startlistilocks() function.


To compile successfully, the statement cfunction fsi.builtin must be included in the source code.

This function always returns 0. This function is used to release the handle allocated by he %startlistilocks() function.


 cfunction fsi.builtin
 hostFSI = "myserver"
 handle = 0
 code = %startlistilocks( hostFSI, &handle )
 filter = ""
 bufferLength = 1000000
 Char buffer[ bufferLength ]
 bufferLength = %listitemlocksfilter( handle, filter, buffer, bufferLength )
 Crt buffer[ 1, bufferLength ]
 code = %endlistilocks( handle )

Note: For a use case, see dm,bp, nt_list-ilocks.