ins statement

The ins statement is an alternative to the insert() function for inserting a string expression into a dynamic array.


ins str.exp before dyn.array.exp< ac.exp{,vc.exp{,sc.exp}}>
ins str.exp before dim.array.exp(element)< ac.exp{,vc.exp{,sc.exp}}>


str.exp Specifies the element to insert in the dynamic array.
array.exp Specifies the dynamic or dimensioned array in which the element will be inserted.
ac.exp   Specifies the attribute in which the element will be inserted.
vc.exp   Specifies the value in which the element will be inserted.
sc.exp Specifies the subvalue in which the element will be inserted.


x<1> = "a"
x<2> = "c"
ins "b" before x<2>
print x