Array references

Dimensioned and Dynamic arrays can be referenced in BASIC programs.

Dynamic (or string) array references have the forms:

Form Description
dyn.array.var<ac.exp> References an entire attribute location of a dynamic array.
dyn.array.var<ac.exp, vc.exp> References a value within an attribute.
dyn.array.var<ac.exp, vc.exp, sc.exp> References a subvalue within a value.

Dimensioned arrays have a maximum of two dimensions and must first be defined with a dim or dimension statement. The first form is a one-dimensioned array or vector:

if array<ac.exp,1,sc.exp> = "xxx" then...

The second form is a two-dimensioned array or matrix:

dim dim.array.var(row.exp, column.exp)

Dimensioned array references have the forms:

Form Description
dim.array.var(element.exp) References an element of a dimensioned array or vector.
dim.array.var(element.exp)<ac.exp, vc.exp> References a value within an attribute of an element in a dimensioned array or vector.
dim.array.var(element.exp)<ac.exp, vc.exp, sc.exp> References a subvalue within a value of an element in a dimensioned array or vector.

When used in conjunction with the file statement, dimensioned array elements can be referenced by the actual item-ID of the attribute-defining item in the associated dictionary:

file entity
if fv.entity(name) = "" then

Combining dimensioned and dynamic array elements

A specific value or subvalue of a dimensioned array can be specified using these forms:

dim.array.var(ac.exp)<ac.exp, vc.exp>

This references the element of the dimensioned array derived from the current value of ac.exp. Within this array element, the value count derived from vc.exp is referenced.

dim.array.var(ac.exp)<ac.exp, vc.exp, sc.exp>

As in the previous case, with the additional reference to a subvalue location derived from sc.exp.


dim.array.var(element.exp)<ac.exp, vc.exp, sc.exp>
dyn.array.var<ac.exp, vc.exp>
dyn.array.var<ac.exp, vc.exp, sc.exp>


Assigns the value of name to the first element of the dimensioned array customer.item.

customer.item(1) = name

Assigns the value of address2 to the second value in the second attribute of dynamic array customer.item.

customer.item<2,2> = address2

Searches for any element in the dimensioned array array equal to the letter x.

if dim.array.var(element.exp) = "x" then...

Tests for value vc.exp of attribute 2 in the dynamic array customer.item equal to a null string ("").

if customer.item<2,vc.exp> = "" then...

Tests for any value of attribute 2 in the dynamic array customer.item equal to a null string ("").

if customer.item<2,*> = "" then...

Tests for subvalue sc.exp in value vc.exp in attribute ac.exp in the dynamic array customer.item equal to a null string ("").

if customer.item<ac.exp,vc.exp,sc.exp> = "" then...

Tests for any subvalue in any value in any attribute in the dynamic array customer.item equal to a null string ("").

if customer.item<*,*,*> = "" then...