any modifier The any modifier searches an entire item for a match, all attributes and all values. Each value is compared to the selection criteria and if the value passes the criteria, then the item is selected for further processing. This feature is useful for searching nonattribute-oriented files for specific words or phrases, such as word processor documents, source programs, and so on.
break-on modifier The break-on modifier creates a visual break in output data when the value in the current output field is different from the previous value. The break-on modifier groups items in a listing according to the value of the break-on attribute name. The attribute name indicates the attribute on which a break occurs.
by modifier The by modifier designates a sort key, in ascending order, and must be followed by an It may be used with any command that lists or selects items, such as list or select.
by-dsnd modifier The by-dsnd modifier designates a sort key, in descending order and must be followed by an attribute name. It may be used with any command that lists or selects items, such as list or select.
by-exp modifier The by-exp modifier designates a sort key, in ascending, exploded MultiValue order and must be followed by an attribute name. It may be used with any command that lists or selects items, such as list or select.
by-exp-dsnd modifier The -by-exp-dsnd modifier is followed by an attribute name that references a MultiValue attribute to be used individually as sort keys in descending order.
col-hdr-supp modifier The col-hdr-supp modifier suppresses column heading above output columns and default page heading on AQL reports.
conv modifier The conv modifier substitutes the conversion codes specified in conversion for attribute 7 of the specified Attribute-Defining-Item.
converting-nulls modifier The converting-nulls modifier allows all values (including nulls) to be processed by the output-conversion. Normally, null values are not processed by the output-conversion so that they do not unnecessarily take up space on a report. However, some output-conversions, such as those that call FlashBASIC subroutines, may need to see each and every value, even if it is null.
dbl-spc modifier The dbl-spc modifier double-spaces output by inserting a blank line between items.
det-supp modifier The det-supp modifier suppresses the detail lines in a report. It provides the ability to easily fold detailed information into summary reports and is typically used in conjunction with the total, break-on, and roll-on AQL modifiers.
dict modifier The dict modifier is used immediately preceding a file name and affects the dictionary level of the specified file rather than the data section.
eval modifier The eval modifier performs the operation specified in the expression on the specified Attribute-Defining-Items. The expression performed is limited to A-Correlatives (concatenation, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (:, +, -, *, /)).
every modifier The every modifier forces comparison on every value, rather than any value.
fill modifier The fill modifier forces listings into an across-the-page format if the listing would otherwise be noncolumnar. The headings and values are printed one after another across the page. This has no effect on columnar listings. The equivalent option is r.
fmt modifier The fmt modifier substitutes the column heading, justification and width settings specified in "{'<column-heading>'} {<just>} {<width>}" for attributes 3, 9 and 10 of the specified Attribute-Defining-Item.
footing modifier The footing modifier designates a text string composed of literals and special options to output at the bottom of each page.
grand-total modifier The grand-total modifier substitutes a string of text in place of the standard "***" literal string normally output on the grand total line. This produces a grand total only in sentences that include the total modifier. Multiple options may be enclosed in the same set of single quotation marks.
hdr-supp modifier The hdr-supp modifier suppresses the default page heading (system time/date and page number) on output.
heading modifier The heading modifier designates a text string composed of literals and special options to output at the top of each page.
id-supp modifier The id-supp modifier suppresses the automatic display of item-IDs in the leftmost column of an AQL report.
ifno modifier The ifno modifier is the same as indicating with no or with not in an AQL sentence.
legend-supp modifier The legend-supp modifier suppresses the output of the legend on list and sort operations directed to the spooler.
locking modifier The locking modifier locks an item for AQL report processing. The purpose of this modifier is to prevent transient GFEs when using the AQL list or select commands on large items that are being simultaneously updated by another user/process.
lptr modifier The lptr modifier directs output of AQL sentences to the system printer, via the spooler. The output is directed according to the options most recently established with the sp-assign command. The AQL sentence that created the output is automatically listed at the top of the first page of output, unless otherwise suppressed with the tcl-supp modifier.
ni-supp modifier The ni-supp modifier suppresses the number of items listed message at the end of most AQL reports.
nopage modifier The nopage modifier prevents terminal output from pausing at the end of each page. CTRL+X, which terminates a report when the report is paused at a page break, serves no purpose when a report is being produced in nopage mode. It does not stop the report. The only way to stop it is to press the BREAK key and end the process. The equivalent option is n.
only modifier The only modifier ignores default attribute-defining items and displays only the item-IDs from the given file reference. The only modifier must precede the file reference.
roll-on modifier The roll-on modifier creates a visual break in output data when the value of a specified attribute changes; an improvement over the break-on command. roll-on is similar to the break-on connective, but has several enhanced features.
sampling modifier The sampling modifier limits the number of items processed by the AQL sentence to a specific number. If selection criteria are included within the sentence, processing continues until the specified number of items are found that match the selection criteria.
show-nulls modifier The show-nulls modifier allows the display of empty multivalues.
ss modifier The ss (spreadsheet) connective allows printing out AQL reports in spreadsheet format. This is achieved by adding the ss connective to a sort sentence and defining the desired range parameters.
tape modifier The tape modifier retrieves data from the currently attached tape, rather than the actual data level of the file. The tape must have been created in a t-dump format and must be positioned to the beginning of the appropriate tape file. The attribute-defining items specified in the AQL sentence are retrieved from the dictionary level of the specified file name.
tcl-supp modifier The tcl-supp modifier suppresses the display of the AQL (TCL) sentence used to generate the report on printed output only.
total modifier The total modifier accumulates a columnar total for a specified attribute-defining item.
using modifier The using modifier allows AQL to report on the data in a given file using attribute-defining items from a different file. Only one using connective is allowed in a TCL sentence.
with modifier The with modifier marks the beginning of a selection processor conditional, which is processed against the associated file to select items to pass on to the List processor.
within modifier The within modifier retrieves a list of all the items that are subitems of a specified item. This is used to explode one attribute containing one or more MultiValues that are item-IDs within the same file, like in bill-of-material explosions. The file-defining item (D-pointer) must contain a v code in attribute 8 in the form: v;;n where n indicates the attribute count to explode. The explosion may proceed up to 20 sublevels.
without modifier The without modifier negates the normal rules for selection criteria. if no, with no, and with not are identical to without.