The footing statement designates a text string composed of literals and special options to output at the bottom of each page.
footing str.exp footing "{{text} {’options’}...}"
The string expression is treated as any BASIC character string and can be surrounded by " or \ , or the expression can be contained in a variable. Embedded footing options must be enclosed within ’ to distinguish them from text. Multiple options can be enclosed in the same set of single quotation marks.
The footing statement can be changed by a new footing statement, and the new footing is output when the end of the current page is reached.
The system(4) function maintains line and system(5) function maintains the page counters while heading and footing are active.
footing "’lc’page ’pn’ printed at ’tlc’"
The above footing statement uses a literal string for the string expression and produces a footing that looks as follows:
page ’1’ printed at 13:45:00 10 FEB 2003
The same footing expression can be placed in a variable, and the variable name used in the footing statement.
footstring="’lc’page ’pn’ printed at ’tlc’" footing footstring
In this example, the footing expression is a compound string expression.
footing "’lc’page ’pn’":message:"’l’"