heading modifier

The heading modifier designates a text string composed of literals and special options to output at the top of each page.


heading "{{text} {’options’}...}"




text Text to display in the footing.
options '' (Two single quotation marks) Outputs (one) single quotation mark.
‘attr.name’' Inserts the value of the attribute name. Processes any conversion codes, but not correlatives in the attribute-defining item.
b Inserts the value of the attribute causing the break if the b option has been specified with roll-on or break-on.
c Centers the output line.
d Retrieves the current date (dd mmm yyyy format).
f{n} Inserts the file name in a field of n spaces.
j Right-justifies the rest of the line.
l Issues a CR/LF.
n Prevents the pause at the end of each page (such as nopage modifier).
p Retrieves the current page number, right-justified in a field of four spaces.
p{n} Retrieves the page number, right-justified in a field of n spaces (default n=4).
r Retrieves the Roman numeral page number.
s Toggles on italics mode.
t Retrieves the current time and date (hh:mm:ss dd mmm yyyy format).
u Toggles on underline mode on a dumb terminal.
v Toggles on boldface mode on a dumb terminal.
xc Used with the c option to center a segment. The xc delimits the end of the segment.
xs Toggles off italics mode on a dumb terminal.
xu Toggles off underline mode on a dumb terminal.
xv Toggles off boldface mode on a dumb terminal.


This heading modifier first issues a line feed, and then centers doolittle enterprises on the output device. It then issues another line feed and centers customer report on the next line. The last l forces a blank line between the heading text and the output on the report.

list customers heading "’lc’doolittle enterprises’lc’customer report’l’"