
The plain DSP widget is used to display field values that cannot be modified by the user. Client syntax checking is disabled and the field syntax is explicitly set to non-editable.

Default Logical Widgets

Uniface defines several default logical widgets which are mapped to this physical widget:

  • StaticText—logical widget that displays the content of a field as static text.
  • StaticText_updatable—logical widget that displays the content of a field as static text. The user cannot modify the value, but it can be changed by the JavaScript API.
  • RawHTML—logical widget used to display HTML-encoded data as formatted text.
  • RawHTML_updatable—logical widget used to display HTML-encoded data as formatted text. The user cannot modify the value, but it can be changed by the JavaScript API..
  • FlatButton—logical widget that displays the field value as a hyperlink.
  • FlatButton_updatable—logical widget that displays the field value as a hyperlink. The user cannot modify the value, but it can be changed by the JavaScript API..

You can edit these logical widgets or define your own in usys.ini.


  • trigger detail—executed on double-click when detail=dblclick is set.

Widget Properties

For information on widgets and the types of widget properties, see and Widgets for Dynamic Server Pages and Widget Properties for the Dynamic Server Page.

HTML Properties

This widget supports the following HTML properties:

Common HTML Properties
Property Technical Name W3C Description
Access Key html:accesskey accesskey
Style Class html:class class
Disable the Widget html:disabled disabled
Read Only html:readonly readonly
Tab Index html:tabindex tabindex
Tool Tip Text html:title title

Uniface Properties

Most of the following properties represent Uniface properties that have no equivalent in HTML or CSS, or which are used when a Form is converted to a DSP.

Uniface Properties
Uniface Property Technical Name Description Default Value
StaticText Widget RawHTML Widget FlatButton Widget

Background Color


Background Color (BackColor) none none none
Syntax Check on Browser clientsyntaxcheck Syntax Check on Browser (ClientSyntaxCheck) none none none
Foreground Color forecolor Foreground Color (ForeColor) none none none
HTML Text rawhtml Raw HTML (rawhtml) False True False
class: ClassName class:ClassName none none none

CSS Properties

The following tables described the supported CSS properties that can be used to style the plain widget and the logical widgets that map to it.