
The name of a class to be dynamically added to (or removed from) the list of classes specified by the class attribute of a bound HTML element.

"class:ClassName=True | False"

Value Description
ClassName HTML class selector that can be formatted by a CSS style definition.
True ClassName is added to the list of classes specified by the class attribute of the HTML element bound to a Uniface object.
False ClassName is removed from the list of classes specified by the class attribute


Dynamic? Yes
Dependencies: Widget must support the html:class property


The class:ClassName property enables you to change the styling of HTML elements that are bound to Uniface objects, without replacing the complete value of the class attribute. You can add or remove a class in the list, without affecting other classes. This is in contrast to the html:class property, which replaces the entire list of classes.

Changing the Classes in the HTML Class Attribute

By its very nature, class:ClassName is a dynamic property, which can be manipulated in ProcScript and JavaScript. It can be set in ProcScript $fieldproperties for field-level DSP widgets (including the AttribtuesOnly widget) or $occproperties to set occurrence properties.

In JavaScript, you can use the following JavaScript API functions on the uniface.Field or uniface.Occurrence object, as applicable:

  • getProperty
  • getProperties
  • setProperty
  • setProperties
  • clearProperty
  • clearProperties

Note:  Although you can set class:ClassName in the More Properties dialog box, this is not recommended. Adding a class here makes it a static property and forces the ClassName to uppercase. To specify static classes, it is better to use the Style Class (html:class) property.

To add a class to the HTML class attribute of an occurrence, set the property to true. For example:

putitem/id $occproperties (MYENT), "class:selected","True"

To remove a class from an element's classes (in this case a field), set it to false:

putitem/id $fieldproperties (FLD1.MYENT), "class:selected", "false"

To reset the class attribute to its original values, preface the class:ClassName with an exclamation mark:

putitem $fieldproperties (FLD1.MYENT), "!class:selected" 

Case Sensitive Class Names

Unlike other types of properties, the ClassName is case-sensitive, although the class prefix is not. Thus, CLASS:myClass and class:myClass describe the same property, whereas class:MYCLASS and class:myclass describe different properties.

When using putitem/id with the ProcScript $fieldpropertiesand $occproperties functions, you can use the /case switch to make the property (including class prefix) case sensitive.

Styling Odd and Even Occurrences

Assume that you have a CSS in which the class names background-even and class:background-odd are used to style rows in a table. The following code adds the class for each occurrence depending on whether it is even-numbered or odd-numbered:

; Determine whether current occurrence number is even
if (($curocc(<$entname>)%2) = 0)
  ;If it is, add the class background-even   
  putitem/id $occproperties("<$entname>"), "class:background-even", "true"
  ;Otherwise, add the class background-odd
  putitem/id $occproperties("<$entname>"), "class:background-odd", "true"

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