MSI command line switch support
BlueZone.msi is designed to be used in conjunction with the supplied SETUP.INI file. Many BlueZone features and options can be modified or changed by editing the SETUP.INI file. The advantage to this is that you don't have to know the Windows Installer command line syntax to modify or change BlueZone features and options.
Refer to Appendix A: Default SETUP.INI file for default values.
This procedure assumes that you are already familiar with Microsoft's Windows Installer. Also, this procedure assumes that you are already familiar with the concept of a BlueZone distribution image. Refer to Creating a distribution image for more information.
As you learned in Creating a BlueZone distribution image, it is possible reduce the size of the BlueZone distribution image by deleting any BlueZone components that you do not need. However, it is important to know that you must keep any BlueZone components that you think you might need in the future, as part of the image.
The reason for this is because the Windows Installer makes a list of all the BlueZone components that are present in the BlueZone distribution image during a BlueZone installation. Even if all the components are not installed during the initial installation, they are kept tracked in the list. Later, if you want to install a BlueZone component that was not installed during the initial BlueZone installation, just add the component to the Windows Installer command line and run an installation. The new component is added to your BlueZone installation.
If you add a component to the BlueZone distribution image (that was not there during the initial BlueZone installation) and perform an installation, the new component is not recognized and therefore, is not installed.
If you want to add a BlueZone component to a machine where BlueZone has already been installed, the only option is to uninstall BlueZone first and install it again with the new component added to the BlueZone distribution image.