The following sections detail the BlueZone SETUP.INI file with the default settings. The items in blue type, are values used by BlueZone during installation. The items shown
in black type, are comments and never need to be edited or changed. Lines preceded by a semi-colon are commented out and
are ignored by the BlueZone installation program.
To edit SETUP.INI, use a text editor such as Notepad. Change any values necessary and save the file. You must run the BlueZone installation
program (SETUP.EXE), in order for the changes to take affect.
When editing the SETUP.INI file, you may only need to change a value. In other cases you may have to uncomment out an item by deleting the semi-colon
from the beginning of the line.
The sections after the
[Activation] section contain installation parameters and are not documented here. They are only intended for internal use; do not change