In order to use the ADDLOCAL feature, you must know the names of the individual BlueZone components so that you can include
them in the Windows Installer command line. To keep things as simple as possible, the BlueZone component names use the same
names as their CAB file names.
The following example uses a fictitious company with the following requirements:
Company XYZ has users who need the following BlueZone components:
• |
BlueZone Session Manager |
• |
BlueZone Mainframe Display |
• |
BlueZone Mainframe Printer |
However, company XYZ has no users that require all of the above BlueZone components.
The following is a list of company XYZ users, by group, along with which BlueZone components they require.
User group 1
BlueZone Mainframe Display
User group 2
• |
BlueZone Session Manager |
• |
BlueZone Mainframe Display |
• |
BlueZone Mainframe Printer |
User group 3
BlueZone VT
User group 4
• |
BlueZone Session Manager |
Step 1: Creating a BlueZone distribution image
The first step is to create a BlueZone distribution image. It is recommended that you create one BlueZone distribution image
that works with all of the above situations. In other words, your BlueZone distribution image contains all the CAB files
necessary to install all four groups. The advantage to this is that you only have to manage one BlueZone distribution image
and in addition, in the future, if any of company XYZ's users want to add a BlueZone component to their installation, this
can be accomplished without having to uninstall and re-install BlueZone.
You may even want to include additional CAB files for components that are not being installed now, but you may want to install
in the future, like the BlueZone Mainframe Printer CAB and the BlueZone Scripting CAB. The advantage to this is that you
won't have to uninstall BlueZone in order to install the new component.
The BlueZone distribution image looks like this:
BlueZone.msi (optional - not used in the above scenario) (optional - not used in the above scenario)
Add any desired BlueZone configuration profiles or desktop shortcut files to this image.
Step 2: Creating a command line for each group
To install BlueZone, use standard Windows Installer command line syntax using the ADDLOCAL feature to install the individual
BlueZone Components. ADDLOCAL is standard Windows Installer syntax. The only "trick" is to know the names of the individual
BlueZone components which is equivalent to the components cab file name.
The following is the command line for installing user group 1:
C:\>MSIEXEC /i "BlueZone.msi" ADDLOCAL=bzmdp,common,common2 /qb
The following is the command line for installing user group 2:
C:\>MSIEXEC /i "BlueZone.msi" ADDLOCAL=bzsm,bzmdp,bzmp,bzftp,common,common2 /qb
The following is the command line for installing user group 3:
C:\>MSIEXEC /i "BlueZone.msi" ADDLOCAL=bzvt,common,common2 /qb
The following is the command line for installing user group 4:
C:\>MSIEXEC /i "BlueZone.msi" ADDLOCAL=bzsm,bzvt,bzftp,common,common2 /qb
You must include the
common and
common2 CAB files in all cases. Also, these examples assume that the DOS prompt is already in the same folder as
BlueZone.msi file. Otherwise, you must include the path to the
BlueZone.msi file. For example,
C:\>MSIEXEC /i "C:\Program Files\BlueZone\BlueZone.msi"
To execute a Windows Installer command line, one option is to type the Windows Installer command line at the DOS prompt.
Another option is to place each of the above Windows Installer command lines into a separate text file that ends in
.BAT. Give each file a name like
UserGroup1.bat Batch files can be executed from Windows explorer by double-clicking the file.