Source directory is only used when installing BlueZone from a floppy diskette. Note that the value of
SourceDir must be where
SETUP.EXE is located.
Default value: ;SourceDir=A:\ (commented out)
This setting is used to control the exact location where the BlueZone program files are installed. This feature is typically
used in conjunction with the quiet mode installation.
If you want to install BlueZone in a specific location, uncomment this item edit the value with your desired location.
Default value: ;DestinationDir="C:\Program Files\BlueZone" (commented out)
This setting is used to set whether the BlueZone working files are to be stored in the end user's
My Documents folder or if they are stored in the same directory as the
DestinationDir= setting.
If you want your end users to be able to save their own BlueZone configurations, leave this value to Yes.
Default value: UsePersonalFolderAsWorkingDir=Yes
This means that the BlueZone working files are stored in the end user's My Documents folder.
This setting is used to set whether the BlueZone working files are to be stored in the
All Users common folder.
Default value: UseAllUsersCommonFolderAsWorkingDir=No
This setting controls the location on the end user's workstation where BlueZone installs the BlueZone working files. BlueZone
working files are certificate files, configuration files, macros, scripts, spool files, traces and file transfer files. BlueZone
working files are files that are tied to a specific end user.
This feature is typically used in conjunction with quiet mode installation.
By default, this setting is commented out. This means that by default, BlueZone uses the values set in UsePersonalFolderAsWorkingDir= and UseAllUsersCommonFolderAsWorkingDir= as the place where the working files are stored.
Default value: ;WorkingDir="C:\Program Files\BlueZone" (commented out)
This setting is used to set BlueZone's preferred connection type. This is the connection that BlueZone uses as a default
when an end user selects from the BlueZone menu bar.
Possible values:
• |
Microsoft SNA Server = SNAServer |
• |
Renex Async Protocol = RenexAsync |
• |
TN3270 / TN3270E = TN3270E |
• |
IBM Commuications Server = CommServ |
• |
IntranetWare for SAA = Intranetware
For example, if you are a Microsoft SNA Server shop and you want to install BlueZone using Microsoft SNA Server as the preferred
connection type, set
Some BlueZone emulation clients only support one connection type. Therefore, the value of
Connection= is ignored during installation of these clients.
Default value: Connection=TN3270E
This setting is used to control the locking of one or more BlueZone features.
A zero value indicates that no BlueZone features are locked.
Default value: Lock=0.
This setting is used to control the locking of one or more BlueZone Secure FTP commands.
A zero value indicates that no BlueZone FTP commands are locked.
Default value: LockFTP=0
These settings are used to control the locking of one or more BlueZone Secure FTP features.
A zero value indicates that no BlueZone Secure FTP features are locked.
Default values:
This setting is used to control the locking of one or more of BlueZone's Telnet features.
The possible values for the lock feature are provided in the Telnet feature lock table. Refer to
Telnet feature lock table for a table of lockable BlueZone Telnet features and their values. Also refer to
BlueZone feature locking for more information.
A zero value indicates that no Telnet features are locked.
Default value: LockTelnet=0
This setting is used to control the locking of one or more of BlueZone's Display features.
The possible values for the lock feature are provided in the Display feature lock table. Refer to
Display feature lock table for a table of lockable BlueZone Display features and their values. Also refer to
BlueZone feature locking for more information.
A zero value indicates that no Display features are locked.
Default value: LockDisplay=0
This setting is used to control the locking of the currently configured font.
Possible values are Yes to lock the currently configured font and No to allow users to be able to change the configured font. When this value is set to Yes, the Change button on the Font dialog is disabled.
Default value: LockFont=No
This setting is used to control whether the BlueZone dialog is displayed if that particular feature is locked using BlueZone's
feature locking feature.
Normally, if you lock a particular BlueZone feature, your end users are still able to access the associated BlueZone configuration
dialog for that feature. They can view it and make changes to the settings. They cannot however apply or save those changes.
The OK button will be grayed out.
However, if would prefer for your end user's to not be able to see the dialogs at all, you can turn them off by setting this
value of ShowLockedDialogs= to No.
Default value: ShowLockedDialogs=Yes
This setting is used to disable BlueZone's append to clipboard feature. If for any reason you do not want your end users
to be able to append data to their Windows clipboard, you can turn this feature off by setting this value to
Default value: DisableAppendToClipboard=No
This setting is used to control how BlueZone uses the Windows Registry. Possible values are 0, 1 or 2.
Default value: BaseRegistry=0
This setting is used to control whether BlueZone operates in profile mode (default) or registry mode.
Possible values are Yes to enable profile mode and No to enable registry mode.
Default value: ProfileMode=Yes
This setting is used to control whether a BlueZone profile (configuration file), can be used to start more than one BlueZone
session. The default value is for profile sharing to be enabled. This means that end users can use a single BlueZone profile
to open up multiple BlueZone sessions.
If for any reason you don't want your end users to be able to start more than one BlueZone session for a profile, disable
this feature by setting the value to No.
Possible values are Yes to enable profile sharing and No to disable profile sharing.
Default value: ProfileSharing=Yes
This setting is used to control the placing of the BlueZone installation directory into the Windows "PATH" during the BlueZone
This feature is especially helpful if you are using a third-party HLLAPI application in conjunction with BlueZone.
Default value: SetPath=No
This setting is used to turn on the old power keys feature. Changing this value to
Yes enables the old power keys feature and disables the new power pads feature.
Default value: EnablePowerKeys=No
This setting is used to enable FIPS mode. Changing this value to
Yes enables FIPS mode. Refer to
Enabling FIPS Mode support for more information.
Default value: FIPSMode=No
This setting is used in conjunction with the BlueZone Scripting CAB file (
BZSC.CAB). The default setting allows end users to record and play scripts. Changing this value to
Yes deploys only the BlueZone Script Player only (
BZSHP.EXE) program.
The BlueZone Scripting CAB contains both the
BZSH.EXE and the
BZSHP.EXE files. If the BlueZone scripting CAB is deployed with
InstallScriptPlayerOnly= set to
No, both files are deployed. When both files are present in the installation, end users can run and edit BlueZone scripts.
By setting the value to
Yes, only the
BZSHP.EXE file is deployed. When only this file is present in the installation, end users can only run BlueZone scripts and not edit
or record them.
BZSC.CAB file must be part of the BlueZone distribution image in order for this setting to have any effect.
Default value: InstallScriptPlayerOnly=No
This setting is used to control whether or not the BlueZone Session Manager automatically appears in the end user's Windows
system tray.
By default this value is set to No. Setting this value to Yes causes the BlueZone Session Manager to automatically run out of the Windows system tray whenever BlueZone Session Manager
is launched.
Default value: SessionManagerRunInTray=No
This setting is used to control the default setting of the in BlueZone Session Manager.
By default this value is set to Yes. Changing this setting to No forces the BlueZone Session Manager to use the locally installed help file.
Default value: BrowserBasedHelp=Yes
Used to disable the automatic password prompting feature.
Default value: ScriptRecordHiddenText=No