Program Group section
[Program Group]
MainframeDisplayText=Mainframe Display
MainframePrinterText=Mainframe Printer
iSeriesDisplayText=iSeries Display
iSeriesPrinterText=iSeries Printer
VTText=BlueZone VT
SessionManagerText=BlueZone Session Manager
ScriptEditorText=BlueZone Script Editor
FTPText=BlueZone FTP
HllapiRedirectorText=BlueZone HLLAPI Redirector
ScriptingHostText=BlueZone Scripting Host
TCP/IPPrintServerText=BlueZone TCP-IP Print Server
ICLDisplayText=ICL Display
UTSDisplayText=UTS Display
T27DisplayText=T27 Display
This setting allows you to control the creation of a BlueZone program group in the Windows startup folder.
Default value: UseGroup=Yes
This setting allows you to change the name assigned to the BlueZone program group in Windows.
Prerequisites: UseGroup= must be sent to Yes.
Default value: GroupName=BlueZone
Changing this value to Yes causes any BlueZone session desktop shortcuts (.LNK) files that are present in the BlueZone distribution image, to be automatically added to the BlueZone Program Group during the installation process. These shortcuts are automatically copied to the end user's desktop as well.
Refer to Create BlueZone desktop shortcuts for more information.
Don't confuse this feature with the [Desktop Shortcuts] feature which is located lower down in the SETUP.INI file. The [Desktop Shortcuts] feature allows you to create a BlueZone desktop shortcut that launches a non-configured BlueZone session. When a non-configured BlueZone Session is launched, the Windows common file dialog automatically displays, allowing the end user to choose a BlueZone profile (configuration file) to use.
Default value: CopyShortcuts2ProgramGroup=No