Button properties
Once a button has been created, you can customize its look and assign an action by editing the Button's properties. To edit a Button's properties, double-click or right-click the Button object. The Button Properties dialog displays.
General tab
•  Label: Type the name that you want to appear at the top of the GroupBox.
•  Bitmap Button: This is used to place an optional bitmap image on the button in lieu of text. This can be useful for making buttons that trigger standard Windows functions like saving a file or copying to the clipboard and you want to use the standard Windows images for those functions. If you are creating buttons which are mapped to BlueZone menu bar functions, you can choose to auto-load the corresponding standard BlueZone toolbar icon on the Power Pad button.
Refer to Auto-loading toolbar icons for more information.
•  Accelerator: This is used to select an optional Accelerator Key. An Accelerator Key is a single key or key combination which when executed from the keyboard, invokes the action assigned to this button.
•  ToolTip: This is used to place optional information that is displayed as a Windows Tool Tip pop-up when the cursor is placed over the button. This is especially useful when you want to describe the function of the button in more detail or when you are using bitmap images on the buttons.
Position / Size
These values can be edited which changes the size and location of the Button. However, it is usually easier to drag and stretch the Button into the desired position:
•  XPos: Shows the current position in pixels from the left side of the power pad.
•  YPos: Shows the current position in pixels from the top of the power pad.
•  Width: Shows the current width in pixels of the Button.
•  Height: Shows the current height in pixels of the Button.
Font tab
•  Name: Shows the name of the currently selected font.
•  Style: Shows the currently selected style.
•  Size: Shows the currently selected font size.
Shows a small sample of the currently selected font.
Action tab
Used to configure a specific action to be associated with this Button.
Some of the labels on this dialog change depending on the Emulation Type and Action Type selected. For example, if you selected an Emulation Type of 3270 , and an Action Type of APL Character, the label of the Available Items scroll box changes to APL Characters and a list of all available APL characters is displayed.
Similarly, if you were to choose an Action Type of Play Script, the label of the Available Items scroll box changes to Script Files and a list of all available script files is displayed. If you have not created any BlueZone script files, the list is blank.
When an Action Type is selected, with some exceptions, the first item in the Available Items scroll box is also displayed in the Action edit box. To select a different item, highlight it in the Available Items list.
There are two exceptions to this rule: the Send Keys and Run Program Action Types work a little differently.
Send Keys
When you choose the Action Type of Send Keys, the Action edit box is blank. To enter an item into the Action edit box, select the desired item in the Available Items list and double-click. Each time you double-click an item, it is entered in order, into the Action edit box. The Send Keys Action Type supports the sending of multiple text characters and API Keys.
API Keys (Application Program Interface Keys) are keys that interface programmatically with the application. API Keys are keys like, <Enter>, <Tab>, <BackTab>, <Backspace>, etc.
Also, you can type in any additional text characters you want to send with the Send Keys Action Type as shown here:
Run Program
When you select the Action Type of Run Program, the Action edit box disappears and the Action edit box is blank. You must place the path to the program that you want to run in the Action edit box. You can use Browse to locate the program.
•  Emulation Type: Select the desired emulator from the drop down list.
•  Action Type:
♦  3270 (5250 , VT, UTS, T27 or ICL) Function: These are host functions that are specific to the particular type of host that you are connected to.
♦  3270 (5250, VT, UTS, T27 or ICL) Character: These are special characters like the cent sign and some others.
♦  Menu Hotkey: These are all the menu functions that are available from the BlueZone menu bar. This feature also supports the ability to auto-load the corresponding BlueZone toolbar image.
♦  Power Key: These are the 24 available Host PF Keys and the 24 available Command keys.
♦  PC Data Key: These are special data keys like degree sign and the Euro currency symbol.
♦  APL Characters: (3270 Only) These are all the special 3270 APL characters that are available.
♦  Play Macro: A list of available macro files is displayed if any.
♦  Play Script: A list of available script files is displayed if any.
♦  Send Keys: Used to send specific text characters or API Keys.
♦  Run Program: Used to call a specific program to run.
♦  Toggle Power Keys: Used to toggle back and forth between two Power Pads.
In order to use this feature, you must have at least two power pads defined. This feature allows you to create a button on the first power pad that toggles on and off a second power pad. Be sure not to configure the first power pad to toggle itself. It is possible to create a button on the second power pad to toggle the first power pad.
Also, this feature can be useful if your end users have many power pads to deal with. You can create a master power pad that has individual buttons which toggle each power pad.
•  Available Item Scroll Box: The name of this window changes depending on the selected Action Type. The list of host functions are based on the selected Emulation Type.
•  Action: This edit box displays the result of the Action Type selection. You can also type any required additional text here.