Connecting to the Host System

Unisys DCA Configuration - BlueZone T27

The T27 Terminal Configuration Settings dialog contains configuration options that assign the communication route to be used when the screen is opened, assign printers to, configure connection settings, configure datacomm options and configure keyboard options for the screen.

This dialog consists of the following parts:

Launching the T27 Terminal Configuration Settings Dialog

  1. From the BlueZone MenuBar, choose Session:Configure.  The Session Configuration dialog will appear.

  2. Click the Configure button located to the right.  The T27 Terminal Configuration Settings dialog will now be displayed.

The following screen shot is an example of the default T27 Terminal Configuration Settings dialog before any Screens are created:

The following screen shot is an example of the T27 Terminal Configuration Settings dialog after one Screen has been created called New Screen, with the Connection Settings tab selected:

This dialog also contains the Connection Settings, Datacomm Options, and Keyboard Options tabs.

T27 Terminal Configuration Settings

File Menu

These are the menu items that appear across the top of the dialog:


Save: Saves the current screen.

Save and Close: Saves the current screen and closes the dialog.

Close: Closes the dialog.  You will be prompted to save any changes that you may have made.


New Screen: Creates a new screen.

Duplicate Screen: Used to duplicate an existing screen.

Delete Screen: Used to delete an existing screen.


About: Launches the About dialog which contains the name of the product and the version number.

T27 Terminal Configuration Buttons

These are the buttons that appear across the top of the dialog:

New Screen Configuration

The controls in this group link a screen to a particular route.

Screen Connection Name ----

Choose a name for the screen you wish to configure.  Up to 24 screens may be configured.  To make additional screens, click the New Screen button.  You can also duplicate and delete screens form this dialog.

Connection Settings Tab

Connection Route ----

From this drop-down list box, select a configured route to be used when the screen is opened.  If additional routes are required, use the Configure Connections button.

NOTE  Each screen in use needs to have its own configured route.

SEE  How to Configure Connections for more detailed information.

When complete, use the Connection Route drop-down list box to link a newly configured route to the selected screen.

SEE  Toggle Forms located in the Datacomm Options tab below.

NOTE  As a result of this action, page one will be overwritten on start up.

Trace On Start Option ----

The controls in this group determine what trace activity is to take place, if any, when the screen is first opened.

Datacomm Options Tab

The options on this tab govern communications between the host and PC.  Multiple options may be selected.

The following screen shot is an example of the T27 Terminal Configuration Settings dialog with the Datacomm Options tab selected.

DC1 Function ----

The mutually exclusively options in this group instruct BlueZone T27 how to interpret the DC1 character when received from the host.

DC2 Function ----

The option buttons in this group instruct BlueZone T27 how to interpret the DC2 character when received from the host.

Alternate Delimiters ----

In this group, enter the alternate delimiters sent by the host application.  Use of alternate delimiters only applies when in forms mode.

Keyboard Options Tab

The options on this tab govern keyboard actions.  Multiple options may be selected.

NOTE  There are additional keyboard options located on the Miscellaneous tab in the Keyboard Options dialog.

SEE  Using the Display Interface, Keyboard Mapping, Unisys T27, T27 Miscellaneous Options for information on the additional keyboard options.

The following screen shot is an example of the T27 Terminal Configuration Settings dialog with the Keyboard Options tab selected.

Tab Stops

In this text box, enter the column positions (separated by commas) of the tab stops.  The default is 1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57.

Character Translation Table

From this drop-down list box, select a country that most closely matches your keyboard requirements.

SEE  How to Configure Character Translation for more detailed information.

Clear Function ----

The mutually exclusively option in this group specifies what action occurs when the Clear key is pressed.

Related Topics:

How to Configure Connections