SQL-CREATE-VIEW can incorporate the AQL notion of phrases; that is, an item defined either in the dictionary of the file for which the phrase will be used or in the account’s master dictionary, where line one of the phrase definition is an H. In the case of SQL-CREATE-VIEW, line two of the phrase definition contains column definitions using the syntax described in the section SQL-CREATE-VIEW (Advanced Use).
SQL-CREATE-VIEW file_reference phrase_definition [(options] file_reference ::= file_name | file_name, data_level | account_name, file_name, | account_name, file_name, data_level phrase_definition :: = attribute-defining-item{=data_type} nested_table ::= {|[ [’alternate_tablename’] column [column...] [nested_table] }|]
No option is specified when using a phrase definition with SQL-CREATE-VIEW. The program searches the account’s master dictionary for the specified phrase. If no phrase definition is found, a column definition is assumed.