Installing the software interactively

Complete these instructions to install the D3 ODBC client interactively.


  1. Confirm that the D3 server software is installed on the server machine.
  2. Restart the client machine to make sure any previous ODBC drivers are flushed from the system. Failure to restart the machine may result in incorrect results and/or application aborts.
  3. Insert the client software CD.

    The D3 ODBC Client Installation Menu displays.

  4. Select Install D3 ODBC Client.

    The D3 ODBC Client License Agreement screen displays.

  5. Review the License Agreement, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option, then click Next. The Setup Type screen displays.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Select the Complete option to install all D3 ODBC Client components. If you select this option, continue to step 7.

    • Select the Custom option to install your choice of the D3 ODBC Client components and/or specify a different installation directory, then click Next.

    The Custom Setup screen displays.

  7. Do either or both of the following:
    • Specify which components to install from the list of features. By default, all features (program files and documentation) are installed unless otherwise specified.

    • Click the Change... button to specify an alternate installation directory. The default directory is C:\Program Files\RocketSoftware\D3ODBC\

  8. Click Next.

    The Ready to Install the Program screen displays.

  9. Click Install.

    The installation process begins.

    Note: If a warning message involving the Ctld32.dll displays, quit any applications that use this library (for example, Microsoft Office), and click Ignore to proceed.

    When the installation process completes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen displays.

  10. Select either of the following options, then click Finish.
    • Select the Add ODBC data sources option to add ODBC data sources using the ODBC Data Source Administrator. See ODBC data source administration for more information and instructions on using this feature.

    • Select the Show the readme file option to review important information regarding this release of the ODBC client.

    The installation is complete.