Executing SQL statements directly on a D3 server (UNIX)

The D3 SQL Engine includes an Interactive SQL (ISQL) processor that interprets SQL statements directly on the UNIX server. SQL statements can be executed on the server from either the TCL prompt or the UNIX prompt.

Executing SQL statements from the TCL prompt

To execute an SQL statement from the TCL prompt, logon to the desired D3 account and use this syntax:

ISQL SQL_Statement [(options]

SQL_Statement The SQL statement to execute.
options H Suppress heading.
N No delay between pages.
W Display output in a scrollable (text) window.

Executing SQL statements from the UNIX prompt

To execute an SQL statement from the UNIX prompt, logon to the desired D3 account and use this syntax:

D3TCL ISQL SQL_Statement [(options]

SQL_Statement The SQL statement to execute.
options H Suppress heading.
N No delay between pages.
W Display output in a scrollable (text) window.