D3 SQL syntax

This section provides the syntax and explanation of D3 SQL statements.

D3 SQL consists of:

Note: This section does not replace a more general orientation to SQL. For more information about writing SQL statements, see a guide to the SQL language.

Writing SQL statements

As you use D3 SQL, keep these things in mind:

  • The standard TCL editing commands apply to writing SQL statements.

  • SQL ignores all spaces (except in strings), indents, and line breaks.

  • You can create a batch list of SQL statements by creating a D3 macro or proc.

  • When executing SQL statements from the TCL prompt, always include the ISQL prefix before the SQL statement. See Executing SQL statements directly on a D3 server (UNIX).

  • When executing SQL statements from the UNIX prompt, always include the TCL ISQL prefix before the SQL statement. See Executing SQL statements directly on a D3 server (UNIX).

  • The CREATE TABLE statement creates D3 files that are two-dimensional. This technique may be necessary for special circumstances, but is generally discouraged.