Field object

The following methods and properties are available from the Field object.


The Field object has the two methods shown in the following table. None of these methods are available to developers using the OLE DB Provider for ODBC with D3 ODBC.

Field Methods Available
AppendChunk No
GetChunk No


The Field object has the ten properties shown in the following table. Nine of these properties are available to developers using the OLE DB Provider for ODBC with D3 ODBC.

Field Properties Available
ActualSize Yes
Attributes Yes*
DefinedSize Yes
Name Yes
NumericScale Yes
OriginalValue Yes
Precision Yes
Type Yes**
UnderlyingValue No
Value Yes

*Available options – adFldFixed, adFldIsNullable, adFldMayBeNull, adFldUpdateable

**Available options – adInteger, adSmallInt, asDBDate, adVarChar, adNumeric, adTime, adTimestamp