Syntax Overview

An INFO/ACCESS query may include all or some of the following parameters:

The command and the file name are the only mandatory parameters in an INFO/ACCESS query; all other parameters are optional. The command must be the first parameter in a command line and the remaining parameters are generally entered in the order specified above.

By default, the results of an INFO/ACCESS query are displayed on the terminal screen. The report may be sent to the printer by using the LPTR modifier or the P option.


command [DICT] filename [item-list] [selection] [sort] [output] [print] [modifiers] [(options)]



Specifies the operation to be performed on a database, such as displaying a list of item-IDs or producing a report in a complex format. Every INFO/ACCESS query must include a command.


Specifies the file dictionary. If this parameter is omitted, the data file is used.


Specifies a file accessible from the user’s account. Every INFO/ACCESS query must include a file name.


One or more item-IDs specifying items to be processed. Enclose each item-ID in single quotes.


Specifies the condition an item must meet to be included in the report. Enclose literal values in double quotes.


Specifies by name one or more attributes which determine the sorted order of items in the report. An INFO/ACCESS query may include multiple sort expressions, and items may be sorted in ascending or descending order.


Specifies by name the attributes whose data will be listed in the report. A phrase may also be used for this parameter.


Specifies how MultiValued attributes will be processed, which data from Controlling and Dependent attributes will be displayed, and which specific data elements will appear in the report.


Keywords that change the format of a report or specify special processing of the data (for example, calculating subtotals and grand totals). Modifiers immediately precede the name of the attribute they are to affect.


Any set of single-character options that modifies the action of the command. Precede the options used with an open parenthesis; a closing parenthesis is optional.

See Also

Using INFO/ACCESS Syntax

Default Processing of INFO/ACCESS Parameters

The USING Connective

The WITHIN Connective

How Queries Are Processed

Entering Literal Values

Entering Multiple-line Queries

Using Throwaway Connectives

Using Phrases