Default Processing of INFO/ACCESS Parameters

This topic summarizes the default processing that occurs when any of the parameters in an INFO/ACCESS query are not explicitly specified, and shows the relationships that the various parameters have to one another.


Default Processing


Unless the DICT modifier is included, the report is generated from the data file.


If there is no explicit item list or active select-list, all items are processed. Processing means:

  1. included in the report

  2. compared against one or more selection expressions

  3. sorted

If there is an explicit item list, the items are processed in the order specified. Explicit item lists take precedence over an active select-list.


If there is no explicit item list or active select-list, all items are compared against the selection expressions.


If no sort expression is specified and if the command has sorting capabilities, the items are displayed in ascending order by item-ID. If multiple sort expressions are specified, they are processed from left to right.


If no output specification is included in the query, the report for a data file consists of the default output specifications defined by an @LPTR phrase for reports sent to the printer, an @ phrase, or a sequence of numeric item-IDs.


If no print limiters are specified, all values from MultiValued attributes as well as all data from other attributes are included in the report.


If no modifiers are included in the query, the report uses these features:

  • No control breaks.

  • Single-spacing.

  • Headings that consist of the page number, time, date, and an end-of-list message.

  • No footings.

  • Column headings repeated on every page.

  • Includes item-IDs.

  • Displays the report at the terminal screen.

  • Does not inhibit default output specifications.

  • Halts terminal output at the end of each page.

  • Obtains the data from the file on disk.


Defaults for options are specific to the command.

The following topics are presented in this section:

Defining Default Output Specifications

Suppressing Default Output Specifications

See Also

Using INFO/ACCESS Syntax

Syntax Overview

The USING Connective

The WITHIN Connective

How Queries Are Processed

Entering Literal Values

Entering Multiple-line Queries

Using Throwaway Connectives

Using Phrases