Starting FCService

FCService is the Web server component of FlashConnect. FCService must be installed on the same physical computer as the Web server, but can be located on a different machine than the database.

Locating FCService and the database on different machines optimizes performance, and when used with a firewall, increases security.
  1. Go to the /usr/bin directory and type ./FCService to start FCService.
  2. Verify that the service has started by typing:
    Fox AIX:
    ps -ef
    For Linux:
    ps -eaux
    root 1065  0.1 0.6  1568 772 ?   S    10:40 0:00 ./FCService
    root 1066  0.0 0.6  1568 776 ?   S    10:40 0:00 ./FCService
    root 1067  0.0 0.6  1568 772 ?   S    10:40 0:00 ./FCService
    root 1068  0.0 0.6  1568 776 ?   S    10:40 0:00 ./FCService
    Note: Add the location of the JRE to the PATH before executing the ./fcsocketserver command.
  3. Start the FlashConnect Socket Server.
    • In GUI mode, type ./fcsocketserver start 6886 gui from the /usr/bin directory.

      [root@ptrh bin]# Starting FCSocketServer
      [1]+ Done ./fcsocketserver start 6886 gui
      Tip: Always use GUI mode in your first installation, which allows you to monitor errors in the FlashConnect Socket Server Manager.
    • In terminal mode, type ./fcsocketserver start 6886 from the /usr/bin directory.

      Starting FCSocketServer
      [root@ptrh bin]# On the single server mode:
      FCSocketServer started on port [6886]

    The FlashConnect Socket Server Manager displays and allows you to monitor activities in FlashConnect.