System Files

The system file is the highest-level file in the D3 file hierarchy.

The system file or MDS contains the file-pointers to every account in the database. Entries in the system file define user master dictionaries. The master dictionary pointers are either D-pointers (file definition) or Q-pointers (file synonym). The item-IDs of such items are the user names that the user enters when the system prompts the user to logon. Such items are created with the create-account command.

The system file always includes these standard accounts:


The SQL account should never be modified manually (for example, running a sel-restore or account-restore from an older tape). Otherwise, some SQL tables may become inaccessible. Also, because the SQL account is now in the FSI, restoring the VME from an old tape or from the original data set, brings an SQL account inside the VME. If it becomes necessary to restore the VME in this manner, delete this VME SQL account with the delete-account command and then run the QS.UPD utility again.


Contains the system-level files and utilities for use by system managers.

These accounts contain the initial files used in the maintenance and operation of the system, and they are the only accounts needed to maintain the system.

The following files are presented:

abs File

Contains information about the binary executable object module, which is the D3 System.

accounts File

Contains a history of computer usage by user.

backgrounds File

Contains data for each background process submitted for execution.

Binary Files

Used to access binary items through the OSFI.

block-convert File

Contains the instructions used by the TCL command block-print to display enlarged characters.

bp File

Contains BASIC source programs for system utilities.

bulletin File

Contains company messages to display at logon time.

cap-file File

Captures the screen output from the converse command.

captcl File

Captures the screen output from the capture-on command.

clashes File

Holds invalid items removed from the master dictionary by the update-md program.

country File

Defines the postal codes of countries, as part of the zip code processing code.

devices File

Contains an item for every terminal or printer device recognized by the D3 System.

devs File

Defines the various devices in the system.

dm-bp Pointer

A Q-pointer for the bp file on the dm account.

errmsg Pointer

A Q-pointer to the errors file.

errors File

Contains system error and log-msg messages used to determine how the system is functioning.

File-of-Files File (VME)

Contains statistical information for each file on the system.

FileOfFiles File (FSI)

Contains statistical information for each file in the FSI.

fonts File

Contains downloadable printer fonts.

funckeys File

Contains preset function key definition items and is used with the TCL set-func command.

gsym File

The global symbol file in the dm account.

Host Operating System Files

Describes the format of the Q-pointer, the file structure and the access rules.

hosts File

Defines file system connections to remote environments.

hotkey.all File

Specifies the name of a FlashBASIC or BASIC subroutine to execute according to the rules described under Hot Key Commands.

iomap-file File

Defines the one-to-one keyboard input and output translation used by the set-iomap command.

jobs File

Contains data for each phantom job submitted for execution. File

Sets the keyboard for UNIX.

kb.pc File

Maps the keyboard.

keyboards File

Contains keyboard definitions and translations.

logoffs File

Contains a snapshot of the where status of the pib and the process status of the process id before ’logging off’ and after.

Master Dictionary File

Contains commands, Procs, Macros, Menus, connectives, default attribute-defining items, file-defining items (both local (D-pointers) and synonym (Q-pointers)) and cataloged FlashBASIC programs.

mds File

The highest level file in the D3 file structure and resides on the dm account.

messages File

Contains messages used by system processes to convey information to the user.

newac File

Contains all of the master dictionary file items that are copied to each new D3 account.

object.queue File

Contains FlashBASIC object code.

peqs File

A super Q-pointer used to access print jobs.

pibs File

Contains device specifications for each port.

pointer-file File

The default file that contains items from save-list commands.

resizing File

Contains information about files currently being resized.

restore-errors File

Contains errors that occurred during a restore.

runtime-errors File

Contains information about any runtime errors that occur during the execution of a BASIC or FlashBASIC program.

state File

Lists the states, counties, and provinces of various countries as part of the zip code processing code.

tcl-stack File

Keeps a record of all commands issued from TCL.

tv.log File

Records t-verify errors when the option is chosen to verify the tape during a file-save.

upgrade.file File

Contains the BASIC programs, verbs and error messages that are used by the nt_upgrade procedure.

users File

Contains specific data relevant to each individual authorized user on the system.

var File

A pseudo file that maps to the user’s TCL shell variables.

vi.dump File

Created and used by the verify-index process as a temporary work file.

words File

Contains all the valid words used by the Update Processor spelling checker.

wsym File

Used by the x option of the op command, contains the results of counting each word in a document, along with the page number and line number of each word.

xp File

Contains the BASIC subroutines for extended precision arithmetic.

zcf File

Used as part of the zip code processing code.