fs Command

The fs command saves a copy of the current item and remains in the Editor within the current item. It is essentially the same as the fi command, but does not exit the item. When editing large items, periodically issue an fs command to ensure an update to the file. A different file reference and/or item-ID may be specified prior to saving the item.

See fso Command for writing over pre-existing items.





Name of the item saved.


Name of the file to write to.


Writes a copy of the item back to the file from which it was originally retrieved.

ed bp main.program



Makes a backup copy of main.program, calling the new copy main.program.original. This is useful in making historical copies or saving originals under different names prior to making changes without leaving the Editor.

ed bp main.program


.fs main.program.original

See Also

Error Messages, ex Command, fd Command, fi Command, fso Command, Editor Overview