Error Messages

Below is a brief discussion of the various error messages associated with the line Editor.


Displays when a nonnumeric character is used in a syntax position that would ordinarily require a number.


Indicates that an invalid Editor command was issued.

Eoi n

End of item occurs at line n.

L n

Indicates either the current line number (with the ? command), or the last line affected by an x command.

Not on file

Cannot find the requested item with the me command.


Changes must be made from the top down. An f command clears this up.

NOTE—When this displays, the requested change does not take place.


Usually means that the second part of the replace string has been omitted or that the syntax for the me command is incomplete. Also displays when a nonnumeric character is used in a syntax position that would ordinarily require a number.


Indicates that the line pointer is positioned at attribute 0, or the top of the item. (An i command issued here will insert before attribute one).

Wrap-up error messages

'ID' deleted.

(error message item-ID = 222)

'ID' exited.

(error message item-ID = 220)

'ID' filed.

(error message item-ID = 221)


The most common error message is the seqn? message. It indicates that a change is being attempted to a line above a line that a change has been made. To correct this, use the f command, then try the same operation that previously failed.

014 print customer-ID

.i print


012 print curr.bal



See Also

? Command, ex Command, f Command, fd Command, fi Command, fs Command, me Command, n Command, Editor Overview, r Command, s? Command, t Command, x Command