Inputting Text Using the Spelling Checker

Update Processor uses a spelling checker to verify text as it is entered. The spelling checker looks at each character to see if those typed are a legitimate word or can become a legitimate word. Words used by the spelling checker are kept in the words file in the dm account. In order to activate the spelling checker, a Q-pointer must be present on the current account and an index must be generated on attribute 0 of the words file.

If an error is detected, the terminal beeps and does not display the last character typed. If an incorrect letter is typed, type the correct one and continue entering text. To view words adjacent to the misspelled word in the words file, use CTRL+U to get the next legitimate word or CTRL+Y to get the previous word. Otherwise, press one of the following:


Override the spelling checker and accept the characters.


Insert the word into the words file and continue.


Turn off the spelling checker.


Toggle the spelling checker on and off from any point in the item. If the spelling checker is on, CTRL+ZS toggles it off. If the spelling checker is off, CTRL+ZS toggles it on.

See Also

Update Processor as Text Editor

Cursor Movement

Overtype and Insert Modes

Deleting Text

Searching and Replacing Text

Cutting and Pasting Text