which command

The which BASIC program displays the implementation being used, the software serial number, the system ID number, the release level, and UNIX specific system information.


which {(option}


option a Displays highest ABS patch level loaded on the system.
c Displays levels for each component of the system.
d When used with the c option, displays release dates for each component.
p Outputs to printer.
x Outputs the data in a program-friendly format.
z Displays release implementation and date only.

This command displays the version of the elements used to create the D3 operating system. The display includes:

Implementation General platform implementation.
Software Serial Number Serial number.
System ID Number System ID number.
Release Specific platform information.
UNIX Information Displays the system name, configuration file name, and UNIX information. For example:

Linux;prod:LINUX;2.4.2-2smp;#1 SMP Sun Apr 8 20:2


which cad

  System Release Information
D3 Release Version 7.2.1.LINUX
Most recent mload into boot abs performed at 17:50:09 on 20 Feb 2003.
Implementation. . . . . . 6386
Software Serial Number. . 11030966
System ID Number . . . .  30162545
Release . . . . . . . . . D3/UNIX: LINUX
Unix Information. . . . . Linux;prod:LINUX;2.4.2-2smp;#1 SMP Sun Apr 8 20:2
1:34 EDT 2001;07EE7316
Boot Monitor. . . . . . . 7.2.1.M6; 10 Jan 2002
Boot ABS. . . . . . . . . 7.2.1.A8; 09 Jan 2002
Boot ABS Data File. . . . 7.2.1.A8; 09 Jan 2002
System Data Files . . . . 7.2.1.D8; 09 Jan 2002
FlashBASIC Revision . . . 7.2.1.F5; 27 Jul 2001
SQL Revision. . . . . . . 7.2.1.S4; 26 Jul 2001
ABS Patch Level . . . . . 7.2.1.A78; 29 Mar 2002