psr command

The psr BASIC program displays formatted output of the status of the currently active UNIX and/or D3 processes.

For Windows: Not Supported


psr {port.number} {(options}


options k Shows only the processes running in D3.
p Directs output to system printer via the spooler.
r Shows only the running processes.
s{n} Selects the running processes by doing two UNIX ps commands, separated by a specified sampling period n (default 1s), and comparing the CPU usage of the processes.

Whenever possible, this command tries to identify the D3 process from the status returned by the UNIX ps command.

If the port number is specified, the output shows process information related to the D3 process port and its child processes. This argument supersedes the r and k options.

This command displays:

PID UNIX process identification.
PPID UNIX process identification of the parent process.
TTY Device name where the process is connected.
CPU Cumulative UNIX CPU time in minutes: seconds, or +n, where n is the number of seconds accumulated in the given sampling period if the (d) option was used.
S UNIX process status:
A Active
R Running
S Suspended
T Terminated
W Waiting for I/O
Z Zombie (defunct)
PORT D3 port number.
USER If the process is connected to the current virtual machine, this is its user-ID.
ACCOUNT If the process is connected to the current virtual machine, this is its master dictionary.
STAT If the process is connected to the current virtual machine, this is its D3 status.
MODE/COMMAND If the process is connected to the current virtual machine, this is the name of the virtual mode it is currently executing. If not, it is the name of the UNIX command it is executing.

The form psr port.number is useful to identify all processes spawned by a D3 process.

The form psr (r allows detecting processes, which are consuming CPU. By repeating this command after a few second intervals, it is easy to identify processes looping or having hardware related problems (for example, too many serial interrupts).

The form psr (sr is an alternative to psr (r to show running processes. It allows taking a sample on a longer period, thus catching processes running often, but not for a long time.

The psr command can be intrusive.



1     0      -       18:08   S                                  init
1973  1      -       1:04    S                                  syncd
3071  L1     10/0    421:23  R                                  d3
3255  1      -       0:01    S                                  errdemon
3762  1      112/0   0:00    S   072                     F310   md0:00C
4270  1      108/0   0:00    S   068                     F310   md0:00C
4368  1      -       0:00    S                                  srcmstr
5028  4368   -       0:00    S                                  writesrv
5283  1      89/0    0:00    S   057    dm     dm        F310   tcl.input:000
5615  1      102/0   0:20    S                                  pxproute
6053  1      91/0    0:15    S   059                     F310   rdl.getchar:000
6314  4368   -       0:00    S                                  qdaemon
6513  1      2/0     0:00    S   002                     F310   rdl.getchar:000
7110  1      0       0:00    S   128                     BF10   sp.sleep:040

This command takes two samples at 3 second intervals and displays the time accumulated by the running process. In this example, the process d3 has consumed 3 seconds (the whole sampling period), which is an indication of a potential problem.

psr (d3

3071  1      10/0    +3      R                                  d3