monitor-status command

The monitor-status BASIC program produces a snapshot listing of information related to memory-resident frames.

For Windows: Not Supported


monitor-status {(options}


options n Activates the nopause function on output to the terminal.
p Directs output to the system printer via the spooler.


Monitor Statistics
process activations             : 0
Idle time                       : 0
# of frame faults               : 33
# of writes                     : 106
Failed buffer search            : 0
Read queue full events          : 0
Write queue full                : 0
Disk errors                     : 0

Buffer Table Information
frames with  0   regs attached  : 8,064
frames with  1   regs attached  : 364
frames with  2   regs attached  : 156
frames with  >=3 regs attached  : 158
Write required                  : 1,251
Read queued                     : 0
Memory locked                   : 1,588
Frame referenced                : 5,645
Write queued                    : 0
Top of hash                     : 7,142