buf-map command

The buf-map BASIC program displays a visual map of the file system, indicating which frames are currently being held in the RAM buffer area, and updates the display every few seconds.

For Windows: Not Supported

The buffer map is laid out as a grid of frame addresses for the entire system (bottom left-hand corner is minfid and top right-hand corner is maxfid), and displays which FIDs are currently active in the buffers.

The buffer displays a number between 0 through 7, which indicates the buffer’s state. The values are shown in the upper right-hand corner as a reminder.


buf-map {minfid-maxfid} {(options)}


minfid Lowest FID number to be included in the result.
maxfid Highest FID number to be included in the result.
options s Samples about 10% of the memory, rather than reading all buffers in memory. This option provides a quick snapshot of the memory usage, but is less accurate.


1-358398. fid loaded : 8740. 8742 buffers. Type H for help.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1     :                5      :     R                          2265
2     :        W       6      :     RW
3     :        B       7      :     RB               6
4     :        BW      8      :     RCW              6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5                                                    6         1700
5                                                    5
5                                                    5
5                                                    5
5   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -              5         1135
5   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -              5         -570
5                                                    56
5                                         1     5    56
5                                         11    5    16
5                                         5111       15
+- - - -+- - - -+ - - - -+ - - - - +- - - -+- - - - +
Range 1 to 358398. Press X to stop.. 0000

The diagram above displays the different states of the buffers in memory by a number displayed in the state table below.

With the s option, only a sample is taken.

Refer’cd   Batch    Write-req   State
0          0        0           1  Available
0          0        1           2
0          1        0           3  Available
0          1        1           4
1          0        0           5
1          0        1           6
1          1        0           7
1          1        1           8

During the sampling, enter one of these options:

h Displays this screen.
s Stops sampling and display results.
x Exits the process.