logto command

The logto command terminates accounting on the current account, and then moves to another specified account. If a password is present, it must be provided. Passwords are case-sensitive.


 logto account.name{,password} {(options}




options f Combines the k, m, and s options.
k Updates the parent level MD.
m Suppresses the running of the account macro.
s Suppresses the [340] connect message.


If the password is omitted and required, the system prompts for it.

It is possible to logto another account while at a pushed level. The process automatically logs back to the original account unless the (f option or the (k option was specified for the logto command. The behavior of the (f option or (k option depends on if it is used from TCL or BASIC:
  • From TCL, only the current level and the level below the current level logs to the new account.
  • From BASIC, every pushed level below the current level also logs to the new account.

    Those pushed levels are still running the programs they were originally running; however, they are now in a new account.

Any tape or magnetic media devices attached to the process when logging to another account at another level remain attached in the new account.

Report Headings

The report includes the following headings:

Connect time Number of minutes the current account was in use.
CPU Number of CPU units used by the account. CPU units vary from system to system, but are generally recorded as .1 seconds.

CPU units shown are about 100 times smaller than the CPU units shown in the FlashBASIC system(9) function.

LPTR pages Number of pages sent to the spooler.


Example 1

 logto dm
 <Connect time= 217 mins.; CPU= 46 units; LPTR pages= 0>

Example 2

 logto dm,mypassword
 <Connect time= 217 mins.; CPU= 46 units; LPTR pages= 0>

Example 3

This example demonstrates the behavior of the (f option or (k option from TCL. It assumes you begin in the dm account and have another account called f01.

 1 dm dm
 1 dm dm
 ::::::logto f01 (f
 1 dm f01

 1 dm f01
 1 dm dm
 1 dm dm
 1 dm dm
 1 dm dm

Example 4

This example demonstrates the behavior of the (f option or (k option from BASIC. It assumes you begin in the dm account and have another account called f01.

The program is called p01.

  a = system(16)
  execute "who" capturing b
  crt a : ": " : b
  if ( a = 5 ) then execute "logto f01 (f" capturing c else execute "p01"
  execute "who" capturing b
  crt a : ": " : b

  1 dm dm
  0: 1 dm dm
  1: 1 dm dm
  2: 1 dm dm
  3: 1 dm dm
  4: 1 dm dm
  5: 1 dm dm
  5: 1 dm f01
  4: 1 dm f01
  3: 1 dm f01
  2: 1 dm f01
  1: 1 dm f01
  0: 1 dm f01