legend command

The legend is a static statement stored as an item in dm,messages, file. This is in contrast to headings and footings, which are dynamic, changing with each page output.

If present, the legend item is output on the bottom of each page of a printed reports directed to the spooler, unless the legend suppress modifier (leg-supp) is in effect.

Each user can have their own legend item, using legend*user-ID as the naming convention for the dm,messages, item. For example, legend*bob.

If the legend status is on, the system searches first for a user legend. If none exists, the default item, legend, is used.


legend {(options}


options f Toggles legend off. Suppresses legend on spooler output. This eliminates the need for the leg-supp connective or k option.
n Toggles legend on. Outputs legend on spooler listings.
s Suppresses output of status message.


[1303] Legend output is suppressed.

legend (n
[1302] Legend output is active.