item command

The item command outputs the base FID of the group to which the specified item-ID hashes, and a list of all item-IDs that are currently hashed to the same group.

For Windows: Not Supported in FSI


item file.reference itemlist* {(options}


options n Activates the nopage function on output to the terminal.
p Directs output to system printer via the spooler.
s Suppresses output of item-IDs.


The item command displays each item’s:

  • (hexadecimal) offset into frame/group.

  • a count of the total number of items in the group.

  • the total number of bytes.

  • the total number of full frames.

  • the number of bytes used in the last frame of the group.

If the specified item-ID is not found, the group to which it would hash displays.

Case sensitivity is an issue in the hashing algorithm used by the D3 system. If a file has a D-pointer type of ds, item-IDs are case sensitive. This means:

  • The item-ID dog and DOG are treated as two separate items.

  • The item-ID dog and DOG would most likely hash to different groups (unless, of course, the file has a modulo of 1).

If case sensitivity is off, dog and DOG are the same thing, and there can only be one dog.

In the columns between the address and the offset, any of these three letters can display:

B Binary item. This normally occurs with FlashBASIC object code found in the dictionary level of source files.
F File pointer. This occurs only with D-pointers.
P Means that this is a pointer (indirect) item. This occurs when a file is designated as having a dp in its D-pointer, or when the item size passes approximately 80% of the frame size on the system.


The example below illustrates the effect of not finding the item, yet showing the group to which the item would hash if it were there.

item testfile stuff

item not found
320710.0000 01BC pc.v
1 items 444 bytes 0/444 frames in group 320710