account-coldstart macro

The account-coldstart macro performs any account specific coldstart processes and allows users to define their own custom sequence of activities to perform each time the system is powered on or rebooted.

This avoids having to alter the system-coldstart command or restoring the user-coldstart command each time an upgrade to a new release is performed.

This command is executed by the system-coldstart macro just before the user-coldstart is executed as the last piece of the coldstart routines. For each account, the system-coldstart copies the account-coldstart item to a temporary item in the dm account and then executes it from that location.  Anything referencing other files from within the account-coldstart should either use explicit pathing (for example, myaccount,myfile,mydatalevel) or ensure that the appropriate q pointers are set up in the dm account. Failure to do this results in the coldstart routine not completing correctly.

The account-coldstart does not need to be a macro, but can be any valid executable master dictionary entry, (verb definition, macro, proc, cataloged basic program, and so on).